Closing Date: October 02, 2022
Healing with feeling For over three decades, Nawaloka’s pioneering spirit has secured the position as the Future of Healthcare in Sri Lanka. Nawaloka is proud of its reputation for professionalism, technological innovation and unmatched customer service. Our contributions towards better healthcare in the country continue to grow from strength to strength, enriching the lives of people. Nawaloka foresee the challenges of the future, prepare for exigencies, and respond to the consequences and creates value in the short, medium and long term. • Consultant.’Specialist with relevant Board Certification from Postgraduate Institute of Medicine Sri Lanka or equivalent registerable with Sri Lanka Medical Council. • Experience in performing CABG on beating heart • Experience in performing minimally invasive cardiac surgery • Should possess good communication skills and maintain good Doctor-Patient Relationship. • Those selected will have to sen/e exclusively at Nawaloka Hospitals. • Under60 years of age. Please apply within 7 days of this advertisement with a complete curriculum vitae, E-mail: [email protected] Nawaloka Hospitals PLC 23, Deshamanya H. K. Dharmadasa Mawatha. Colombo-02 |
Source: (2020.02.18)