Officer Cadets – Sri Lanka Regular Naval Force
Closing Date: 2020-01-25
Source: Sunday Observer (2019.12.22)
o For following branches the candidate should have passed 03 subjects at the GCF. (AlL) examination in one sitting with minimum qualifying results for university admission (Certified copy of certificate issued by the Commissioner General of Examination to be attached) and ‘ Executive Branch -Bio & Mathematics stream( Biology. Physics. Chemistry and Combined Mathematics). " Naval Infantry 'Mztthematics. Bio. Commerce. Technical or Art stream. .. Logistics Branch -Commerce stream. - Provost Branch -Mathematics. Bio. Commerce. Technical or An stream. o Should have obtained a minimum 30% for the Common General Test at the GCE (AIL) examination. and 0 Passed GCE (OIL) in two sittings with credit passes for English and Mathematics.